About Us
Beacon House Summary
The only program of its kind in the State, Beacon House draws women in crisis from Counties (Fond du Lac, Outagamie, Winnebago, Waukesha, Jefferson, Calumet Counties) and two Native American Tribes. Beacon House, a 4 level 12- bed Victorian home with attached clinic, provides a transitional living experience for women with addiction, moving them from the cycle of dependency to an addiction free life of wholesome living.
The average length of stay is 90 – 120 days. The first 60 days focus on rebuilding life and healthy habits, the last 30 – 60 transitions them to living happy life, free from pain and dependence. In that time, each woman is monitored closely.

Recovery comes through the continued development of the “whole woman.” By bringing her mental, social, physical, emotional and spiritual capabilities into focus, Beacon staff helps develop healthy attitudes and lifestyles. At the core of this inner awakening is The Twelve Step program, a set of guiding principles outlining a course of action for recovery, was originally proposed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in 1939. The method has become the foundation of many recovery programs.
The 12 Steps encourage each to:
- Admit that one cannot control one’s addiction or compulsion
- Recognize a higher power that can give strength
- Examine past errors with the help of a sponsor (experienced member)
- Make amends for these errors
- Learn to live a new life with a new code of behavior
- Help others who suffer from the same addictions or compulsions
Beacon House services help each woman achieve independent functioning. An individualized program is tailored to each woman’s circumstances and the obstacles she must overcome. Her active participation is essential to her success. In other words, she’ll get out what she puts in.
Beacon offers knowledgeable, qualified guidance, close monitoring, and support through each woman’s program. Two full-time counselors and trained staff combine with the expertise of other professionals and service providers to offer:
- Group and Individual Counseling
- Parenting Classes
- Education & Interactive Group for Families
- Specialty Groups, Spirituality, Domestic Violence, Eating Concerns, Relationship Issues, Anger Management, Parenting
- Employment and/or Vocational Counseling
- Referral to Community Resources – as needed
- Life Skills Development Opportunities
- Formulation of a Relapse Prevention Plan